Past Events

Tunisian Business delegation to Belgium

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Lux et Tunisie

On 24 April 2019, the Arab-Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce,in collaboration with, FIT, AWEX, Tunisian Agency for the Promotion of Foreign Investment (FIPA), and with the support of the Embassy of Tunisia in Brussels,  welcomed a Tunisian business delegation carrying out an economic mission in Belgium and Luxembourg.

Our guest speakers were :
• SE. Mr. Mohamed Ridha BEN MOSBAH, Ambassador of Tunisia in Brussels
• Mr. Abdellatif MOKHTAR, Membre et Président de la Commission des Marchés de la CCIT
• Mrs. Isabelle GRIPPA, CEO of Hub Brussels
• Mr. Mokhtar CHOUARI, CEO of FIPA


Mr. Qaisar HIJAZIN, Secretary-General of the Arab Belgian Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (ABLCC), was pleased to welcome numerous big and small companies from very different economic sectors, He was glad to see that Belgian companies are really motivated to take part to this event.

B2B Tunisie

Through this gathering, attended by 90 participants HE. Mr. Mohamed Ridha BEN MOSBAH aims at shedding light on the importance of Belgian Tunisian relations whilst contributing accurate and up-to-date information on the various developments in Tunisia thanks to his expertise and unique insight, Mr. Mokhtar CHOUARI, gave an overview of the multiple economic opportunities of Investments in Tunisia.

Three Belgian Companies (SBI-BMI, EURA NOVA, ALLOCLOUD) testified their experience in Tunisia and highlighted that Tunisia is a competitive country, with a dynamic growth, simplified procedures, and a pleasant living condition. After the morning seminar, our participants also had the occasion to participated to a pre- arranged B2B meeting and meet the delegation of Tunisian women and businessmen, representing more than a dozen companies in growth sectors for the Belgian economy (ICT, Environment, Renewable Energies, Materials from Construction, Building, Textile, Training and Consulting, Health, Tourism, Services and Agribusiness).

podium tunisie1

On the 25th, a Seminar and B2B meeting and sites visits has been organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Luxembourg.

Our Sponsors

Besix BNP Paribas Fortis Q8

Credendo Group



John Cockerill

Tractebel Engie

Direct Way


The Hotel Brussels



Byblos Bank Europe  

Our Partners

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