Lebanese Wine Pavilion - Megavino Brussels, 11-13 October 2019

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The Chamber is pleased to announce that a Lebanese pavilion, comprised of 6 Lebanese wineries (Adyar, Château Héritage, Château Kefraya, Château Ksara, Château Qanafar, Karam Wines), will be present at Megavino Wine fair during 11-13th of October. 

The 6 Lebanese wineries are members of the Union Vinicole du Liban (UVL). The objective of the UVL is to consolidate and build on Lebanon’s image as a wine-producing country by highlighting its proud history and promoting its potential.

The UVL gives a voice to Lebanon’s wine producers, brings them together in one harmonized entity and defends their interests.  It has developed legitimacy for Lebanon’s export ambitions within the EU and other international markets, such as the US and Canada.

 More information : www.megavino.be

Banking, Investment and Insurance Fair

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iraq flag t2

The Pyramids Company with partner Al Mada Foundation , will organize Banking, Investment and Insurance Fair on the grounds of Baghdad International Fair, for the period from 18 to 21 March 2020.

If you wish to participate, please contact the organizers according to the information below:

Pyramids Company for Organizing International Exhibitions – Pyramides

E-mail1: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

E-mail2: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mobile: 009647734458881 – 009647733300224

8ème édition du Salon International de la Pêche et de l’Aquaculture (SIPA’2019)

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salon intl peche

Du 06 au 09 Novembre 2019
Au Centre de Conventions d'Oran

Développement des activités de la pêche et de l’aquaculture en Algérie

En Algérie, à l’instar des pays méditerranéens, la pêche et l’aquaculture sont appelées à jouer un rôle de plus en plus important. Elles constituent un enjeu majeur pour les prochaines années.
Ce segment d’activité qui est à promouvoir a connu, ces dernières années, une réelle dynamique et un important développement dans le cadre de la politique de développement adoptée par le Gouvernement, orientée vers la diversification de l’économie nationale. Avec ses 9,5 millions d’hectares en zones de pêche et d’aquaculture exploitées et exploitables et ses 1600 km de ligne de côte qui abritent plus de 14 millions d’habitants soit plus de 40% de la population nationale, l’Algérie dispose de formidables opportunités à valoriser au profit d’un développement durable et intégré.
Visant le développement durable de la pêche et de l’aquaculture, un vaste chantier a été lancé ces dernières années, en associant toutes les parties prenantes dans le développement du secteur.
A cet effet, des moyens humains, financiers et matériels ont été mobilisés pour asseoir un cette dynamique.
Les défis et les objectifs attendus découlent d’une démarche réaliste qui se ressource des résultats d’une approche consultative.
Contribuer à une économie productive, créer de l’emploi et contribuer à la sécurité alimentaire, tels sont les objectifs prioritaires du plan stratégique de développement de la pêche et de l’aquaculture.
Dans ce cadre, l’accompagnement économique de l’investissement productif dans les filières de la pêche et de l’aquaculture, à travers la mise en place des plans et programmes de développement, a permis la concrétisation de nombreux projets, notamment dans le domaine de l’aquaculture. Efforts consentis pour le développement des activités de la pêche et de l’aquaculture depuis 2000.

For more info :

Fax : +213 (0) 23 21 66 38 Tel : +213 (0) 21 43 39 43

Mob : +213 (0) 561 629 152 | +213 (0) 696 638 265

Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Cairo Food Africa 2019

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cairo food exhibition


 Egypt is one of the world's fastest growing markets for food, stimulated by a young and developing population.

Demand for food products is high and is expected to increase in the coming years.

Moreover, Africa’s large import-dependent market provides immense opportunities for trade and investment.

Capitalizing on the region’s evidently large business potential, Food Africa, the continent’s largest International Trade Exhibition specialized in the Food and Agro-industries, returns for its fifth edition from 9 to 11 December 2019, at the Egypt International Exhibitions Center (EIEC).

Food Africa is continuously evolving and expanding to cater to the ever-growing needs of the agro-food sector in Egypt and Africa. This year, the exhibition will encompass a specialized conference and two additional components; Sea Food Africa and Ingredients Africa.

contact for food ehibition cairo

Destination Africa 2019, 4th Edition.

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Destination Africa is an annual international pan-African B2B sourcing event for the textile industries in Egypt.

It brings together the African Textile, Apparel, and Home Textiles manufacturers in ONE place with the international buyers to strengthen the business opportunities and trade activities on a global level.

The event consists of a regional exhibition with African countries pavilions in parallel to an international conference led by expert speakers and networking functions.

Destination Africa has witnessed an outstanding success with a growth of 74% visitors since 2016, resulting in an increase in the exhibitors’ number, the exhibiting space and the number of local, regional and international visitors. Therefore the past editions’ impact has been recognizable leading to spreading and highlighting “Destination Africa’s” name among the international buyers and exhibitors.

foire degypte sur notre site 2

Be part of making Africa the New Frontier of the world's sourcing destination!

Phone: (+20) 2527 1010, Ext: 337 - 178

Exhibit: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Visit: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Website: www.destination-africa.org 

37th session International Fair of Khartoum

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37 session of international fair khartoum


Khartoum International Exhibition

At the beginning of each year, the exhibition grounds will host the sessions of the Khartoum International Fair, an economic, investment and commercial event. It is a public trade fair in which a wide range of products, services and investment opportunities are offered. The exhibition will be held at the thirty-six session of the exhibition fair in Bari from 20 to 27 January 2020. Organized by the Sudanese Company for Free Zones and Duty Frees Ltd. – Exhibition and Conference Management. 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM

For more information https://khartoumexpo.com/en/companies/36-session/

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