Membership Subscription Form

In order to speed up the application of your membership to the Chamber and to ensure that our services are tailored to your specific requirements, please complete the Membership form below.

You will be contacted as soon as possible by our Membership Service

Arab companies are invited to fill out the following form:

مزايا الانضمام لعضوية الغرفة و طلـب انتســـاب الغرفة

يرجى إعادة الاستمارة لنا بعد تعبئتها بشكل كامل بالبريد الالكتروني ( )
أو بالفاكس (32 2 347 57 64)

* Required

Your Information 


Second Contact Person (optional)

Your Company

Please insert your correct VAT identification number in the 10-digit format (or 'BE'+ 10 digits).


The subscription is valid for one year from date of subscription

A copy of the paid invoice will be sent to you upon receipt of your payment.
Payable to account number IBAN BE88 3100 2907 6141 / BIC BBRUBEBB


Countries of interest


By submitting this form, I request membership subscription to the Arab Belgian Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce. I also confirm that the above statements given on this form, and in any supporting papers that I supply, are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

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Our Sponsors

Besix BNP Paribas Fortis Q8

Credendo Group



John Cockerill

Tractebel Engie

Direct Way


The Hotel Brussels



Byblos Bank Europe  

Our Partners

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logo BLCCA partner ablcc

logo chambre de commerce luxembourg beci logo ablcc Logo Entreprise Europe Network


logo league of arab states


hub rvb 1


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